Davin Sons Retail shares debut with a 20% discount at Rs 44 on the BSE SME platform, despite a Rs 5 GMP. The IPO of 15.96 lakh fresh equity shares closed with a 120 times subscription. Proceeds will ...
Davin Sons Retail makes and designs readymade garments including jeans, denim jackets, and shirts for other brands.
Davin Sons Retail share price listed 20% lower than the issue price on the BSE SME at ₹44. The issue that closed on 6 January ...
Parmeshwar Metal shares made a strong debut on Thursday, January 9, listing at ₹84.5 on BSE SME, a premium of 38.52 percent from issue price of ₹61.
Parmeshwar Metal shares were listed at Rs 84.50 per share on the BSE SME platform, a premium of 38.52 percent from its IPO price.