Abdulkader Assad  Human rights activist Tariq Lamloum announced the death of at least three Somalis in September and October ...
A stable job with a new cleaning company in Galkayo, central Somalia’s Mudug region, has put widowed Farhia Omar Warsame into ...
Anne Soy & Tom McArthur A British national has told the BBC that he and several Turkish citizens were abducted in the Kenyan ...
Security Council Resolution 1701, adopted after Israel’s last war with Hezbollah in 2006 and repeatedly violated by both ...
Hassan Sheikh Mohamud speaks out of both sides of his mouth, saying one thing while doing another, becoming the very ...
Qoraalkaan wuxuu diiradda saarayaa caqabadaha waxbarashada dalka iyo sidii xal waara loogu heli lahaa, loo tayeyn lahaa ...