In a dramatic episode of Shark Tank India Season 4, tensions flared between Aman Gupta and Kunal Bahl during a heated bidding ...
YouTuber Gaurav Taneja aka FlyingBeast recently appeared on Shark Tank India Season 4 to pitch his brand Beast Life and ended up being trolled by Vineeta Singh.
In the latest episode of Shark Tank India 4, 19-year-old entrepreneur Himanshu Rajpurohit, the founder of Nexera.Health, pitched his healthcare app seeking an investment of Rs. 75 lakhs for 1% equity.
His overconfidence and mistake in making the website just two days before Shark Tank India 4, highlighted false promises on ...
Abhijeet Bhattacharya claims credit for Shah Rukh Khan's iconic line in 'I Am The Best,' but Lalit Pandit disputes it, ...