The B.C. government says it’s sending more than $9 million to support fire departments that are wholly or partially staffed ...
Firefighters are among the first to put their lives on the line in an emergency, but with rising equipment costs, volunteer ...
News' Isabel Flores speaks to fire agencies about how they've prepped for high winds hitting Oklahoma- which could also bring ...
The Texas A&M Forest Service has awarded $2.1 million in grants to volunteer fire departments across the state. The big boost ...
Whenever an emergency call is placed, the person facing a crisis places their confidence in that whoever arrives will be a ...
East Texas volunteer fire departments will benefit from $290,000 in grants allocated through the Texas A&M Forest Service.
The Texas A&M Forest Service announced that on March 5, it awarded $2.1 million in grants to rural volunteer fire departments ...
The Association of Yukon Fire Chiefs says about 80 per cent of volunteer firefighters in the territory are wearing expired ...
The Mountain Gate Volunteer Fire Department announced it will resume full operations immediately following the approval of ...
Earlier this week the Mountain Gate Volunteer Fire Department had to shut down operations due to safety concerns regarding their turnout gear. Turnout gear is what ...
This is why Cedar Hill Mayor John Edwards set up a GoFundMe to help offset the costs of the new gear sets. Each set costs roughly $4,500, and the city has only been able to find $4,000 to donate ...
The evening began with Frank Magee, chief of the Westend Volunteer Fire Department, thanking those who filled the old DeBorgia Schoolhouse for attending. An invocation was given by Jeff Owens making a ...