If you file electronically and choose direct deposit, you'll get your refund, including your state tax refund, much sooner.
You’ll also need the amount to track your refund status with the IRS. Before spending your refund on debt payments, make sure other key areas of your finances are in order. If you’re worried about ...
If you're looking to save some extra money or maybe pay off some debt, a tax refund could help. Here's how to track your tax ...
To check the status of your refund, use the " Where's My Refund?" tools for federal tax refunds or go to the IRS2Go app. Information is updated once a day, overnight.
If you’ve filed your tax return and you’re eager for your refund, here’s how to check the status of your payment. Find out ...
And, like the inclination to check on that pizza order minutes after you make it, it's easy to find yourself champing at the bit to find out the status of your refund and when it may arrive.