Los Angeles County District Attorneys Nancy Theberge and Brock Lunsford are accusing newly-elected District Attorney Nathan ...
If Congress cannot make a law abridging a citizen’s right to seek a redress of grievances, how could a president possibly be empowered to prevent a sought redress of grievances with a preemptive ...
On Jan. 20, two presidents set a troubling precedent by each issuing broad pardons in the span of a few hours. President Biden preemptively pardoned family members and government officials to prevent ...
Boebert embarrasses herself again Once again, Lauren Boebert has embarrassed herself on the national stage. Her excessive fear of transgenders led her to falsely accuse another occupant of a ladies ...
For Vladimir Jankélévitch, who served in the French Resistance, some acts were beyond the realm of forgiveness.
Pardon power is almost unbounded — excluding only state crimes, civil liability, future crimes and crimes by the president ...
At its best, the presidential pardon power is a tool of mercy, an instrument to correct abuses of power and miscarriages of ...
It is tiresome, but not surprising, that the polarized commentary in the days since the blizzard of pardons and clemencies ...
After being sentenced to 11 years in federal prison on a bribery and corruption verdict, to whom can Bob Menendez turn?
Readers say there are plenty of reasons Dr. Anthony Fauci would accept a preemptive pardon even though he has done nothing ...
Before he left office, President Joe Biden followed his unprecedented pardon of his son ... and wrote a college letter of ...