SEO Meta Description: Bombay High Court directs GST refund application to be processed on merits, excluding the COVID-19 period from the limitation period. Read the case summary.
Truth Fashion, a proprietorship owned by Ms. Sadia, filed a writ petition in the Delhi High Court seeking enforcement of an earlier order directing the release of a GST refund of ₹18.33 lakh. The ...
Congress calls for a comprehensive and simplified GST 2.0 as Finance Minister hints at further rate reductions.
Here are two ways to manage the effects of tariffs in Canada, plus three statements to prepare to ensure you’ll be OK.
India’s consumers could soon enjoy a cut to goods and services tax, as a years-long review of the tax system finally concludes.
Georgia’s Fulton County, where past elections have been marred by long lines, slow precinct reporting and even false claims ...
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security skipped a fully competitive bidding process to give two Republican-linked firms the ...
The government is reviewing a proposal to reintroduce merchant discount rates (MDR) on UPI and RuPay transactions for large ...
The appeal court scheduled the cases of Attorney General of Canada v. Medline Canada Corporation, A-81-24 and Attorney ...
RITES Recruitment 2024: Rail India Technical and Economic Service has begun the application procedure for the position of ...