After the posted drop/add period, only course withdrawals may be used ... The grading system will automatically become available two days before the end of the term, and close on the dates listed ...
The add/drop process in summer works the same as in fall and spring; however, the time frame to take action in summer is much shorter. Please review the calendar for the session(s) that interest you ...
There is currently no way to audit which user entered a permission for a student or on what date; we’re working with UIS to create an audit behind this component. Just as any campus user with drop/add ...
The Academic Calendar is available online and includes add/drop and withdrawal deadlines for most courses. You should always choose your courses with the assistance of your academic advisor. Before ...
Some very important dates are coming up for hazardous waste drop-off, bulk trash pick-ups, and tire-drop-offs. As you clean out the garage, basement, or attic, be mindful of the approaching dates ...
STUDENTS: If you fail to read, understand, and abide by these policies, you may face an extremely unfortunate situation involving the denial of a petition to add or drop a course. Until the Add ...
To add a class through Banner Self Service ... After web registration closes, students must ask the course instructor to drop them. Check the Academic Calendar for the specific drop deadlines.