ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith dismantled the idea to “The View” co-host Joy Behar’s suggestion that President Donald Trump did not
At one point in the show, Fallon brought out a couple of "hot takes" for Smith to share his unfiltered opinion on. The host kicked things off by asking Smith if he thought his beloved New York Knicks had any chance of winning a championship this year.
Former Rep. Joe Walsh criticized Smith for his comments on Owens, who he spoke with on his namesake show “The Stephen A. Smith Show.” Smith said during his Tuesday episode that while he does not agree with many of Owens’s political positions, he would not think to question her “intelligence.”
The conversation between the co-hosts of The View and Stephan A. Smith continued with the sports personality clarifying his “Trump was voted for because he was viewed as closer to normal than anyone else from the Democratic party” quote, and yet, The View just can’t seem to wrap their mind around it.
Stephen A. Smith has had a number of hot takes over his career, but his recent take on a popular NBA debate is turning heads.