“Hillbilly Elegy,” directed by Ron Howard, tells the story of Vance growing up poor in Ohio while he was raised by his maternal grandparents and his mother, who misused substances. Glenn Close plays Vance’s grandmother in the film, while Amy Adams plays his mother.
Gabriel was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri. The son of lawyer Louis J. Basso Jr. and his wife Marcie – who has an acting credit in the film, Ghost Image – Gabriel grew up with two sisters.
Gabriel Basso is about to launch the second season of one of the biggest shows on TV. But if you ask him, he’s about ready to give it all up. “The actors that built this business all had life experiences,
Gabriel Basso is reflecting on playing J.D. Vance in the 2020 adaptation of the VP's memoir, 'Hillbilly Elegy,' saying it's 'kind of weird' to be in Vance's 'timeline,' but he's a 'cool dude.'
Action series The Night Agent is back on Netflix for a second series, and 30 year old star Gabriel Basso has revealed why doing his own stunts is so important for him
Lara Spencer jokingly scolded “The Night Agent” star Gabriel Basso for the one-word title he gave her during their sit-down interview on “Good Morning America” on Wednesday. After discussing Season 2 of Basso’s Netflix action series, Spencer praised the actor for being “so authentic.”
“The Night Agent” star Gabriel Basso has opened up about what it was like playing Vice President JD Vance. Basso, 30, who portrayed Vance, 40, in the 2020 film adaptation of his book “Hillbilly Elegy,” says he finds it “kind of weird” to be a part of the “timeline” that tracks the author-turned-politician’s rise to VP.
This season also introduced a new key character named Noor, who plays an essential role in helping Peter infiltrate a high-stakes situation at the U.N. building. Noor’s personal story adds emotional depth to the series,
Finding something to watch this weekend is a cinch thanks to all the new movies and shows on Netflix, Prime Video and more of the best streaming services.
The Night Agent is a no-frills, unpretentious spy thriller that should please anyone who enjoys the genre. It combines a competent plot with a likeable cast of heroes and villains. The second season is out now on Netflix, but if you missed the first you should definitely start there.