Recognizing the important role of research within the New School community and its influence beyond campus, the Office of Research Support (ORS) is committed to supporting faculty, staff, and students ...
For more than a century, Parsons has been inspired by the transformative potential of design. Today, the school’s groundbreaking academic programs carry forward that mission, making Parsons the number ...
Assessment of student learning is the systematic and cyclical process through which faculty members, department chairs and program directors articulate learning outcomes for their courses and programs ...
To provide timely and authoritative research relevant to the institution's academic mission and operational goals, the Office of Institutional Research and Decision Support (commonly known as IR) ...
Many individuals across the university contribute to academic planning, governance, and other initiatives through service on various committees, task forces, councils, and other groups. Below is a ...
Shared Capacities underlie The New School’s distinctive approach to general education. More than a set of course requirements, Shared Capacities are the competencies or skills that undergraduates ...
The Faculty Affairs area of the Provost’s Office oversees all academic processes for faculty at the university. The office provides support and resources to enhance professional development ...