First off Retired General Flynn was not part of the disgruntled former Trump Generals. Biggest problem in having retired high ranking officers is that they want to ...
It's sad when your neighbors in a condo community can't just tell you they have an issue and write to the management team instead. If I have music too loud or my ...
New report from Ohio State Univ found that infant mortality rose after Supreme Court revoked Roe v. Wade. Another reason to vote Blue!
Obama is pulling the strings behind Harris and Walz and Obama is being funded by George Soros - it is time for voters to stand up and stop them from destroying this cou ...
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Enact Fundamental tax reform - institute a flat tax since 47% of US households pay no federal taxes - all Americans above the poverty level should pay the same pe ...
Elon doesn’t trust computers to tally votes but he trusts them to self drive cars and we are supposed to believe him.
Sea Isle City - Liberal elites who support Harris and Walz are actively brainwa... Next Spout › Cape May County - Harris can’t get away from the fact that’s she’s just Biden 2.0.
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Trump canceled a speech with the NRA and interviews with several news agencies citing exhaustion. It looks like the old man is falling apart and Kamala is running ...
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