The father-son drama set in Nainital, revolves around the bond between a single father and his seven-year-old son, Shanu. The premiere was attended by Abhay Deol, director Faraz Arif Ansari, and ...
Spoilers ahead for the Season 13 winter premiere of Chicago Fire, called "A Favor" and available streaming now with a Peacock ...
Despite strong buzz surrounding its OTT premiere, Nazriya Fahadh's Sookshmadarshini isn't available on any streaming ...
EXO’s D.O., or Doh Kyungsoo, takes on the role of Yoo Joon, a genius pianist struggling through a slump, while Won Jin Ah portrays Jung Ah, a music student with a hidden secret. The cast also features ...
Speculation about the reemergence of an old feud between Fast and Furious franchise stars Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson has ...