The commodities, which were flagged off by Health Cabinet Secretary Deborah Barasa on Friday, March 14, include ARV drugs ...
More than half of people living with HIV in Kenya have delayed starting treatment because they fear their family members will discover their status. This is according to people living with HIV (PLHIV) ...
Impact Assessment: UNAIDS Kenya Country office supported communities to assess the impact of US Government stop work order. The UN country team continues to guide assessment of the impact on the ...
On January 20, President Donald Trump sanctioned a 90-day halt on foreign aid, a decision that affected all financial support ...
The rollback of funding for anti-malaria efforts in the Mekong is just one of many examples of cuts that are raising alarm ...
Kenya may not cushion its citizens living with HIV/Aids following a freeze on foreign aid by US President Donald Trump.
A growing number of people living with HIV are defaulting on ARV medication following the closure of specialized clinics for key populations.
This funding request comes in response to a recent US executive order that has impacted global health funding, including support for HIV programmes in Kenya.
Kenya requires Sh 5.24 billion for the 2024/2025 fiscal year and Sh 13.5 billion for 2025/2026 to maintain its current HIV response.
Since its inception in 2003, PEPFAR has been instrumental in supporting HIV/AIDS programmes in countries including Kenya. can match you with basic, midrange and premium technology hearing aids. Verified customers tell us that the hearing aids are high quality and effectively improve their hearing.
The health clinic where Alice Okwirry collects her HIV medication in Kenya's capital Nairobi has been rationing supplies of antiretrovirals to one-month refills since the U.S. government froze foreign ...