The commodities, which were flagged off by Health Cabinet Secretary Deborah Barasa on Friday, March 14, include ARV drugs ...
More than half of people living with HIV in Kenya have delayed starting treatment because they fear their family members will discover their status. This is according to people living with HIV (PLHIV) ...
Patients are grappling with a shortage of HIV drugs even as an emergency consignment worth $34 million (Sh4.4bn) has been stored at a warehouse in Nairobi since last year awaiting distribution.The ...
The triple threat consists of defilement, HIV-Aids and Sexual Gender Based Violence. Homa Bay is among the counties leading in teen pregnancies, mostly caused by defilement. Teen pregnancy and sexual ...
In the second week of March, an Eldoret businessman, Collins Leitich, stunned many by starting his own police station in the ...
Health Ministry flags off consignment of ARVs, to increase distribution efficiency and avert stock wastage; Kenya has 1.4 ...
When Jenny Slimmzy went abroad, people told her to hide money from her husband. She did not heed that advice and in the nd ...
Musk's Starlink, a subsidiary of SpaceX, has applied for a licence to operate in Lesotho, aiming to provide satellite ...