Not paying student loans could lead to late fees, a damaged credit score and wage garnishment. If you have federal loans, you ...
Student loan relief faces another setback as U.S. appeals court rules that the Biden administration overstepped its powers by ...
If you have had trouble staying on top of your student loan payments and are concerned about the prospect of wage garnishment ...
An overhaul of the federal student loan system proposed by House Republicans could push monthly student loan payments up by nearly $200 on average ...
I’m 59 with just $42,000 in my 401(k), $77,000 in student loans, and no property — after a lifetime of steady work and past ...
A new study highlights how debt-saddled public and private workers are forced to focus on shorter-term investments and immediate financial concerns.
Find out if parents have to cosign student loans.
The Trump administration has promised to eliminate the Department of Education, shifting more responsibility back to the ...
Biden tried to work around Constitutional limitations to his executive authority through a variety of maneuvers only to be slapped down by the court. Most notably, Biden’s sweeping student loan ...