During the Medora Community School Corp. board of trustees meeting on Monday, Principal Kara Hunt announced the three R.E.D. Hornets of the Month, reading quotes from teachers that played a part in ...
Forrest Gump starring Tom Hanks is one of the most iconic movies of the 1990s, and these quotes are imprinted into pop ...
Melton City Council has welcomed $2.1 million from the Australian Government for the construction of shared use bicycle and walking paths in Burnside ...
Writing a news feature about the life and work of historian Martin E. Marty requires two things — lots of numbers about what he accomplished and stories about how he managed to get so much done, as a ...
I am a teacher. Several very racist teachers work in my school. Last year, two white teachers used the N-word while speaking ...
Public school access to high-quality teachers is shrinking, while teen reports of feeling unsafe at school are on the rise.
A school superintendents group's "Public Education Promise" focuses on preparing students for a changing workforce.
With Gates Foundation support, College of Education begins work on three-year partnership with statewide schools.
I am writing in support of the May 6 Midland Public School bond proposal. My husband and I have 3 children in the Midland Public School System; two at the elementary level and one at Developmental ...
DiMarco: Analysis of 41 State of the State addresses finds a focus on K-12 funding and early & higher ed, but not much on ...
Last month, the Prince William County School Board heard from groups supporting policies that exclude transgender students (“Community split on schools’ transgender policy,” Feb. 27-March 5 edition, ...
As a charter public school parent, I am proud to advocate with other families urging state lawmakers to allocate equitable funding for all public school students, whether they are at a charter public ...