The Pretty Pink Flower Bouquet is divided into six bags, with an extra seventh bag of long rods to use as flower stems. There are no stickers or printed tiles. The set comes with a printed instruction ...
LEGO Technic has evolved rapidly in the last several years. The rods and pins are part of nearly every "traditional" LEGO brick set, adding mechanical function and stability to even the smallest ...
Want to know how to craft a fishing rod, where to find fish, and what to do with the fish once you've caught them? There are many different types of fish you can catch in Lego Fortnite ...
Among the various Fisch mutations, the latest one called Studded is causing a lot of commotion thanks to the perilous journey ...
Series Land Rover nerds are no doubt already up in arms as this truck is a ’74 in VIN only. Technically, that would make it a ...
The Jeep Wagoneer S EV will be judged against the heritage and ethos of the brand. “Is it a real Jeep?” The answer is yes, but it’s complicated.
LEGO Harry Potter has been going strong for years now, with remakes of the most iconic scenes recirculating the markets every half-decade or so. This March, the latest rendition of The Knight Bus ...
Epic Games has released Fortnite update 1.000.166 this February 11. Read on to see what changes have been made.
A new Loot Pool Update and a Ranked Reset is a part of Fortnite update 4.55 released today. Read on for more info.
This guide will explain how to unlock the Fishing Rod in Hello Kitty Island Adventure and how to use it to go fishing. The easiest way to level up your friendship with Badtz-Maru early on in the ...
LEGO is one of the most popular toys on the market, and fans flock to LEGO stores and regularly to browse and buy from the steady deluge of plastic bricks LEGO releases on a monthly basis.