Hialeah, one of the the cities with the largest proportions of Hispanic residents in the United States, could soon become one ...
Doral City Council approves $21 million settlement to end lawsuit alleging city illegally took a vacant 9.6-acre site.
Pedro Portal [email protected] In a request to Bovo and the Hialeah City Council ... the Town of Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens and Key West have all signed agreements with the federal ...
Hialeah joins several other cities, like Davie, Sunny Isles, Palm Beach Gardens and Coral Gables in signing the agreement.
Millar’s opponent, Palm Beach County firefighter John Kemp, is a fourth generation Floridian who grew up attending Hialeah Gardens city meetings with his father, a planning board member ...
Concentra®, the nation’s leader in occupational medicine, today announced the acquisition of the assets of Physicians Health ...
If you are looking to buy real estate in Florida, there's a good chance you are going to try and aim for purchasing in one of the Sunshine State's hottest markets: Miami. The legendary city has a ...
Portions of a mixed-use building on Miracle Mile in Coral Gables could be seized in a $24.2 million foreclosure lawsuit.