Fear alerts us to danger, indicating a need for safety and security. It enhances alertness and prepares us to take refuge, ...
Heartbreak isn’t something to fear or run from; it’s something to embrace. We often shape ourselves around our relationships, ...
A study of the “Dark Tetrad” found that just narcissism and sadism predicted level of sex drive. When I worked with Elmer ...
Resilience is often defined as the ability to bounce back from challenging circumstances and emerge stronger. But, what makes ...
It’s hard to pin certain struggles in adulthood on specific experiences in childhood. People with similar upbringings can ...
Recalibrating our senses reveals that animals are indeed talking and communicating ideas, feelings, and information with ...
Enrolling a puppy in a puppy class before the age of 6 months reduces the likelihood of adult behavior problems such as ...
Many of us who have investigated and prosecuted human trafficking cases understand the delicate interpersonal dynamics ...
People enjoyed these dramas for the “catharsis,” the purging of pent-up emotions like fear and pity that led to a sense of ...
But there’s a fascinating twist: This evaluation process doesn’t stop once people are in a relationship. People continue to ...
Exploring barriers to the disclosure of abuse, which include shame, internalized myths about masculinity, and stigma around ...
Horror may act as a "fear vaccine," helping some individuals develop coping mechanisms for stress and fear in both fictional ...