The Green Party is disappointed the Government voted down Hūhana Lyndon’s member’s Bill, which would have prevented further alienation of Māori land through the Public Works Act. “Today represents a ...
A Māori lawyer takes te ao Māori to England to bring back skills to strengthen Māori navigation in the legal world. The ...
A petition to get the Tino Rangatiratanga flag added as an emoji is gaining traction, driven by a rangatahi who believes it is a crucial step towards cultural representation online. The idea for ...
"Kilikiti is about community, culture, fun, health and well-being," Theresa Lealofi, captain of the Tilafaiga Titans, says.
"They're comfortable to recognise tino rangatiratanga in that agreement, why not comfortable to recognise tino rangatiratanga as guaranteed in Te Tiriti to all the other iwi and hapū?" Jones said ...
Whether it's Māori business merch flying off the shelves, custom pounamu, or handcrafted pēke (bags) to carry all the ...
Decades of Treaty scholarship have failed to arrive at a consensus about its meaning and purpose. Dispensing with various mistaken interpretations would improve the chances of productive discussion.
Strategies for Māori advancement are examined within a Māori development framework. Barriers to development and the facilitation of positive development are explored using criteria relevant to ...
Decades of Treaty scholarship have failed to arrive at a consensus about its meaning and purpose. Dispensing with various mistaken interpretations would improve the chances of productive discussion.
A study of Māori efforts to retain and enhance tino rangatiratanga and mana motuhake since colonisation. What you will learn. Knowledge, skills and attitudes you’ll be able to show as a result of ...