After classes start, financial aid applied to your account that exceeds the amount due on your bill (actual Account Balance, not Anticipated Aid) is eligible for a refund. Click Request a Refund. The ...
The government department will send out a letter which will tell the recipient that they are due a tax refund, which can ...
Offer holders for the Department of Finance will find guidance regarding any required deposits on their offer letter and in communications ... Following refund of your deposit, your offer will be ...
If your refund takes longer than the expected 8 to 10 weeks, it may be under review. In such cases, you might receive a letter requesting additional information or verification of your identity or ...
Students receiving the Excelsior scholarship are urged to consult with a Financial Aid or Academic Advisor before submitting a refund request. Please be advised that your current term’s TAP award must ...
How do I request a refund of my administrative fee? Requests for refunds should be made to the LSE Graduate Admissions Office Manager. Refunds are at the discretion of LSE. By submitting this form you ...
It should be highlighted that the tuition refund request is for the tuition fee only. All other fees, including supplementary fees are not eligible for refund. Please note: Due to a high demand in ...
Foodbucks will not remain in your account after the end of the April term and cannot be refunded. Request a refund by completing the form below. A $25 administration fee applies to all requests.