Miami-Dade County stands to lose more than 81% of its countywide tax revenue if Florida lawmakers decide to phase out ...
A fluoride showdown comes to the County Commission on March 18. Will the county stop adding the mineral to drinking water?
The fluoride fight comes to Miami, but some county commissioners are cool to the suggestion that there’s a problem.
MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, Fla. – The Miami-Dade County Youth Fair is back for the 73rd year. “It’s very nostalgic because my ...
The Miami-Dade Innovation Authority launched its fifth Public Innovation Challenge to find innovative ways to divert and ...
What we’re talking about here is not controversial. What we’re talking about here is upholding the law,” one county ...
A man told a state trooper that he was traveling southbound on the Turnpike’s Homestead Extension in Miami-Dade County when a ...
If we’re able to use technology innovation to improve the efficiency of how we manage waste in the county, what that could ...
The county's safety and health committee took no action on fluoridation after the surgeon general's presentation to convince ...
The issue surrounds tickets issued to drivers who are on the other side of a divided highway when they pass a stopped school ...
The Honorable Dariel Fernandez, Tax Collector for Miami-Dade County, proudly inaugurated the County’s second Tax Collector ...
The New York metro area, the largest in the US with 19.9 million people, gained more residents than any other metropolitan ...