OpenMandriva is a sensible operating system that's not based on the top four most popular Linux distros, but just as easy to ...
Linux Bible, 10th Edition is the ultimate hands-on Linux user guide, whether you're a true beginner or a more advanced user navigating recent changes. this updated tenth edition covers the latest ...
Linux Mint is an operating system that offers a familiar Windows-like experience with more customization options. Mint ...
The fourth release candidate (RC4) of Linux Kernel 6.13 is released with a collection of fixes and improvements across various subsystems.
The Slack Linux downloads page offers three ways, by going to the Snap Store (Ubuntu), or downloading a DEB (Ubuntu, Mint, or other debian-based distros) or RPM file (Fedora, SUSE, and others).
A cool mountain breeze blowing in after the new LTS kernel A fresh release of the minimalist and very lightweight Alpine Linux is here, with support for Chinese LoongArch64 CPUs.… As usual for Alpine ...
Currently, Surfshark only supports Debian-based Linux distributions. Officially, version support stretches back to Debian 11, ...