tax deductions lower your taxable income by letting you subtract certain expenses. If you, your spouse or a dependent have federal or private student loans, for example, you can deduct up to $ ...
wichayada suwanachun / Getty Images Tax-exempt interest is a type of income that is not subject to income tax at the federal ... taxed at the state level. For example, a California resident ...
Social Security retirement benefits are subject to taxes in many cases. But familiarity with the rules and some advance planning can limit the impact.
The $10,000 cap on the deductibility of state and local tax (“SALT”) from federal taxable income for most non-corporate taxpayers is set to expire at the end of the year. The list includes ...
Trump speech to Congress doubles down on his desire for no tax on tips as well as no tax on overtime pay for American workers ...
Tax season began on January 27th, with a deadline of April 15th for Connecticut residents to file state and federal returns ... Adjustments to income are deductions that reduce total income to arrive ...