Weaver filed a complaint with the FDNY. He wanted to know why EMS members at the scene of the fire did not respond to his son. "If they were informed that there was a cardiac arrest happening ...
An EMS lieutenant dedicated his life to saving New Yorkers. But when he needed help during a medical emergency last month, ...
FDNY EMS Lt. Nelson Seto called 9-1-1 reporting chest pains and was later found dead by his family. The FDNY is reviewing the response to a 911 emergency call made by an off-duty EMS lieutenant in ...
NEW YORK (WPIX) – An EMS lieutenant for the New York City Fire Department (FDNY) died on Monday after first responders marked his 911 call as “unfounded” despite never making contact with ...
The FDNY is reviewing the response to a 911 emergency call made by an off-duty EMS lieutenant in cardiac arrest to see if more could have been done by the Emergency Medical Technicians who closed ...
FDNY has confirmed it is investigating the incident. The EMS lieutenant called 911 during an apparent asthma attack around noon at his home on East 73rd Street in Brooklyn, sources said.